The Resume Mastery Blueprint

Learn how to write a Job-Winning Resume in 5 days (even if you've never written one!)

Hi! I'm Grey and I'm an ex-MAANG and Fortune 5 Senior Executive with over a decade of resume review, editing and hiring experience.I've reviewed over 500 resumes of applicants targeting their dream jobs in some of the most prestigious firms worldwide. In 2023, I launched a free resume review initiative on Twitter, and after over a 100 resume reviews I realized the need for a more scalable solution to share my knowledge. I began documenting the critical resume mistakes I saw over 90% applicants make that lead to rejections, stalled career growth and lost opportunities.This course is my solution; a comprehensive guide packed with insider knowledge, strategies, and actionable tips to craft a resume that not only avoids common pitfalls but secures your dream job.

Here is a preview of everything we cover inside:

Mistake 1: Losing Originality in Your Application (And How to Make Your Resume Unforgettable)Mistake 2: Skimming the Surface of Your Career (And How to Dive Deep into Your Achievements)Mistake 3: Ignoring the Personal Touch (And How Tailoring Can Make All the Difference)Mistake 4: Forgetting the Power of Timing (And How to Sequence Your Experiences for Impact)Mistake 5: Neglecting the Finishing Touches (And How to Polish Your Presentation)


"I actually got my first interview invite after a long while of just sending apps in, thank you!"

"I’ve never looked at my resume with so much clarity, this info has been a gamechanger"

"Extremely helpful, new resume reads so much more professional"

"Super helpful tips, didn't think of most of these in my earlier resumes and the difference is noticeable!"

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The first lesson of "The Resume Mastery Blueprint" is on its way to your inbox!

Within the next minute or two, you're going to get an email from me ([email protected]).This email will quickly acquaint you with the course and what we will cover in the next 5 days, so be sure to check it out!But if you have any questions, don't hesitate to hit reply and let me know. I'm also reachable on Twitter if you prefer that. You aren't alone in this, I promise! :)Now go and check your inbox and again, thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your epic career journey!

P.S. If you don't find the email in your inbox in the next couple of minutes, please check your spam folder...Chances are it ended up there (since I'm relatively new to sending emails to my list, sometimes the "email algorithms" think I'm a robot!* 🤷🏻*).